About the Aircraft Type Screen: Aircraft Type Tab

The Aircraft Type tab in the Aircraft Type screen sets the parameters for different aircraft and its corresponding cargo capacities.

Table 1. Aircraft Type Tab Fields and Action Buttons
Field Description
Aircraft Type Enter the Aircraft Type code that you wish to create or query.
Note: By clicking Query (F7), all aircraft types held in the system will be listed in the Record List pane. You can select the required type by clicking on a record from the list.
Carrier Carrier code for the aircraft type. A single aircraft type can be defined for several carriers. You can look up the available carrier codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Carriers screen.
Registration Aircraft Registration field. This field holds the unique Aircraft Registration code for an aircraft, it is not mandatory. In order to associate a registration to a particular Aircraft, the Aircraft Type must already be defined in the system as a master record.
Name The full name of the Aircraft type can be entered in this field. For example, Boeing 747-300 Freighter.
IATA Code Code for the size of the aircraft. For example:
  • W = Wide-body. A Wide-body aircraft is an aircraft with a fuselage width typically of 5 to 7 meters.
  • N = Narrow-body. A narrow-body aircraft is an aircraft with a fuselage width typically of 3 to 4 meters.
Origin The three-letter IATA code of the airport of departure. For example, LUX. The code is set in the Airports screen, which is accessible in different screens where the Origin link is available. Origin is an optional field. When used, it allows you to specify a default weight or volume for an aircraft type departing from the specified origin airport.

When adding the aircraft type to the Flight Schedule screen, the system will look for the best fit of aircraft type for the routing provided. The system matches by:

  • aircraft type + origin + destination,
  • if that is not found, it will try to match by aircraft type + origin,
  • and if that is not found, then it will try to match by aircraft type.

On multi-leg flights, the matching is made on each leg. This process is also be applied to Standard Schedules Information (SSIM), Standard Schedule (SSM) and Ad-Hoc Schedule (ASM) messages.

Note: A master aircraft type record for the aircraft type must exist before you can input a specific origin-based default weight or volume.

You can look up the available airport codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.

Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Airports screen.
Dest The three-letter IATA code of the airport of destination. For example, MNL. The code is set in the Airports screen, which is accessible in different screens where the Dest link is available. Destination (Dest) is an optional field, which is only enabled when an Origin Airport has been previously input. When used, it allows you to specify a default weight or volume for an aircraft type operating between the specified origin and destination airports.

When adding the aircraft type to the Flight Schedule screen, the system will look for the best fit of aircraft type for the routing provided. The system matches by:

  • aircraft type + origin + destination,
  • if that is not found, it will try to match by aircraft type + origin,
  • and if that is not found, then it will try to match by aircraft type.

On multi-leg flights, the matching is made on each leg. This process is also be applied to Standard Schedules Information (SSIM), Standard Schedule (SSM) and Ad-Hoc Schedule (ASM) messages.

Note: A master aircraft type record for the aircraft type must exist before you can input a specific origin-based default weight or volume.

You can look up the available airport codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.

Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Airports screen.
Default Weight The Default Weight in kilograms of the Aircraft Type.
Default Volume The Default Volume in cubic meters for the Aircraft Type.
Default Positions Indicates the default cargo position.
Possible ULD Types Specify the possible ULD types. The handling agent cannot assign a particular ULD to the flight if the ULD type is not indicated in this list. The list is comma separated, for example: PIA,PIC,PID.
Category The Category Aircraft. You can select the Category from the drop-down menu:
  • Passenger
  • Freighter
  • Truck

The load of Standard Schedules Information (SSIM) message files or Standard Schedule (SSM) or Air Automated Manifest System (AMS), can use this to set the default category of Aircraft in the flight Schedule and Flight records.

Deck Indicator for the aircraft loading position. You can specify if the loading position is on the main deck or on the lower deck.
Position Specify the exact loading position on the main or lower deck. For example, 12R, 12L.