About Airport Settings Screen: Airport Tab

You can enter new airport codes or modify existing airport codes in Master Data > Others > Airport Settings. The Airport Settings screen can also be accessed by clicking Origin or Destination hyperlinks in certain screens, such as the Booking screen.

Table 1. Airport Tab Fields and Action Buttons
Field Description
Airport Code Enter the 3-letter International Air Transport Association (IATA) IATA airport code.
For example:
  • SYD for Kingsford Smith Airport in Sydney Australia
Airport Name Enter the full name of the airport.
For example:
  • Kingsford Smith
Country Code Enter the International Standards Organization (ISO) 2-letter country code as stored in the system's country code table. You can look up available country codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Countries screen.
District Use this field to group airports together. It is mainly used for statistical reports. You can look up available combo codes (District) from the database by clicking .
For example if you want to create a group of airports that defines the Eastern USA. In the Combo Codes setup screen, create a new district code, for example, EUS or similar for Eastern USA with the type, Airport District. You can then assign this district code to all the airports you are interested in the Eastern USA. For example:
  • MIA
  • MCO
  • JFK
  • EWR
  • ATL
The complete Combo Codes (District) list is then displayed, by entering search data in one or more of the fields presented you can refine the list presented. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve to enter the code into the field.

By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Combo Codes setup screen.

Area Area to which the airport belongs. This area code is mainly for the pricing of an Air Waybill (AWB).  The area used must be the same one as the one used in the price record. Example: ZRH for Sales Area ZRH
Note: When the operator logs into the system, the area code of the station used in the operator record is used to decide to which Area this operator belongs
You can look up available country codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Area Codes setup screen.
Area 2 You can use this field to link two areas together. For example; if in a station such BSL you wish to see Agents both from Switzerland and France you fill Area  ZRH, Area 2 CDG.  The Search window then will show the agents from both Areas.

You can look up available country codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.

Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
eAWB Ready Select options from the drop-down list to state if an airport is equipped to handle electronic Air Waybills (eAWB).
  • Import
  • Export
  • Both
City Code The 3-letter city code of the Airport. For IATA and Interline Mileage proration calculation, the city code is used and not the airport code. For example:
  • NYC for JFK, EWR, LGA
  • OSA for KIX
Note: If the city code is the same as Airport Code, the system recognizes this code to be a city code and does not allow such a code to be used for data capture into an origin or destination field. For example, LON for London.
State You can enter here regions of a country. For example:
  • In the United States of America
    • Washington (WA)
    • Virginia (VA)
    • Utah (UT)
  • In the United Kingdom
    • Northumberland (NBL)
    • Buckinghamshire (BKM)
    • Yorkshire (YKS)
  • In Australia
    • Queensland (QLD)
    • Victoria (VIC)
    • New South Wales (NSW)
You can look up State Codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
Time Zone Select the applicable time zone from the drop-down list. This enables the system to calculate the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time difference from the local stations to the server time. 

The Time Zone selected is also used for messaging.

Collect Carrier The collect carrier for this airport. You can look up the available carrier codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Carriers screen.
Transfer Carrier The carrier to which a shipment is being transferred to by the Host carrier. You can look up the available carrier codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Carriers screen.
Default Connection Time You can used field to overwrite both the system Default Connection Time, which is hardcoded in the system and set to 4 hours. Other connection times set in the system are found in the Conn. Time tab of Master Data > Others > Station Settings.
The system uses the following priority order when selecting the default connection time:
  • First from the records in the Conn. Time tab of Master Data > Others > Station Settings.
  • When not present in the Conn. Time tab, the system takes the connection time entered in the Default Connection Time field in Master Data > Others > Airport Settings.
  • When also not present in Master Data > Others > Airport Settings, the system uses the hardcoded default value, which is 4 hours.
Airport Miles By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Airport Miles screen. The Airport Miles screen is prepopulated with all the Airport Miles for interline proration. Depending on the business need, information in this screen can also be used for reports.
Pairs By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Pairs screen.

The purpose of this function is to allow users to setup the Lanes (flight legs or segments) or Pairs for Airports. It was originally developed for Cargo2000 to ensure the system only sent FSU/BKD for the Airport Pairs. It is currently not used in any of the system's main functions.  

Some users do use it in conjunction with Business Intelligence as it can be helpful to store data for Airport Pairs. The functionality of Pairs is retained for future usage.

Truck Companies By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Truck Companies screen. The truckers you transact with are entered in the Truck Companies screen. Records entered in this screen are used when entering Trucking costs in Master Data > Handling & Trucking Costs, mainly by the Handling module.
ULD Repair By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the ULD Repair screen. The ULD Repair screen is related to Master Data > ULD Control. When transferring ULDs to the repair company, you need to first create ULD Repair Company record on the ULD Repair screen, which can then be referenced in the Repair Company field of the ULD Transfer tab of the Master Data > ULD Control screen.
Insurance Companies By clicking the hyperlink, the system navigates you to the Insurance Companies screen. Insurance Company details are required for the automatic calculation of the AWB insurance charge. Information entered in the Insurance Companies screen is reflected on the Full AWB screen.
Remarks Use this field to enter free text remarks for external use.
City Name The name of the city at which the Airport is found. This is needed for Canadian Customs (CA) Customs and is also used for reports.

For example

  • London for London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
  • New York for John F Kennedy Airport (JFK)
EU Special Territory Select this check box to identify the airport as in the European Union but classified as a special territory. This check box is required for customs purposes.
UK Customs Airport