Creating Free Text Message Templates

You can create free text message templates that can be used for messaging in Master Data > Others > Free Text Message Templates. Message templates created in the Free Text Message Templates screen can be used from screens where the Send Message button is available by using FTX in the code field or when sending messages using Main > Send Free Text Message.

  1. Navigate to the Free Text Message Templates screen. You can do this by clicking Master Data > Others > Free Text Message Templates.
  2. In the Free Text Message Templates screen, you can create, modify, or delete free text message templates.
    • To modify a record, perform a query then select the record from the Record List pane then click Edit F2.
    • To add a record, click Add (Ins).
    • To delete a record, select the message from the Record List pane then click Delete (DEL).
  3. Select Free Text Message in the Type drop-down list.
  4. Enter or modify the fields accordingly.
    Option Description
    Station Station is automatically populated with the station of the currently logged on user.
    Type Select Free Text Message from the drop-down list.
    Code Enter a code for the free text message template.
    Make Dots Space By default dots are removed. When selected, dots are replaced with a space.
    Template Text Enter the text of the template. The special dots are used to mark fields. The user can Tab between the dots fields.
  5. Click OK.
The free text message template is saved. When sending free text messages, you can use the template Code to populate the message with the text template.