Applying Special Volumetric Divisors to Airports

You can define special volumetric divisors to particular airports in Master Data > Others > Volumetric Divisor. You need the appropriate duty code to be able to create or modify special volumetric divisors.

The procedure for calculating the Volume Weight of a consignment is specified by IATA and is established by multiplying the maximum length, width and height of all pieces in the consignment and dividing the result by 6000cm3 (cubic centimeters). If the result is a figure which is higher than the Gross weight then this higher figure becomes the Chargeable Weight.

  1. Navigate to the Volumetric Divisor screen. You can do this by clicking Master Data > Others > Volumetric Divisor.
  2. In the Volumetric Divisor screen, you can create, modify, or delete volumetric divisor records.
    • To modify a record, perform a query then select the record from the Record List pane then click Edit F2.
    • To add a record, click Add (Ins).
    • To delete a record, select the message from the Record List pane then click Delete (DEL).
  3. Enter or modify the fields accordingly.
    Option Description
    Origin Enter the origin station where the volumetric divisor is applicable.
    Dest Enter the destination station where the volumetric divisor is applicable.
    Divisor Enter the volumetric divisor for the origin and destination pair.
    Both Ways Select this check box if the volumetric divisor is also applicable when the origin and destination stations are switched.
  4. Click OK.
The volumetric divisor record is created. This divisor is applied when calculating the volume for the specified origin and destination pair.