Managing Security Profiles

You can create security profiles to define what screening methods are needed for certain shipments in the Security Profile screen, which is accessible by clicking the profile hyperlink beside the SEC button in the Acceptance screen.

  1. Navigate to the Profiles screen. You can do this by clicking the profile hyperlink beside the SEC button in the Acceptance screen.

  2. In the Profiles screen, you can create, modify, or delete security profiles.
    • To modify a record, select the record from the Record List pane then click Edit F2.
    • To create a record, click Add (Ins).
    • To delete a record, select the message from the Record List pane then click Delete (DEL).
  3. Complete the fields as needed.
    Field Description
    Profile name Enter a name for the security profile.
    Origin or Origin Country Use the Origin or Origin Country fields to define the origin station or country where this security profile applies.
    Destination or Destination Country Use the Destination or Destination Country fields to define the destination station or country where this security profile applies.
    Agent Use the Agent field to limit the security profile to a particular Agent.
    Secure Agent Select Secure Agent if the Agent entered is a secure Agent.
    Shipper Use the Shipper field to limit the security profile to a particular Shipper.
    Consignee Use the Consignee field to limit the security profile to a particular Consignee.
    Nature of goods Use the Nature of goods field to limit the security profile to a particular Nature of Goods code.
    SHCs Use the SHCs fields to limit the security profile to particular SHCs.
  4. Select the applicable screening methods from the available check boxes under Screening Method.
  5. Click OK.
The profile is saved. If the profile is applicable to a shipment, clicking SEC on the Acceptance screen of the shipment opens a window that displays the security measures needed and a corresponding check box to indicate which security measures are already done. You cannot manifest shipments that do not have security checks completed.