The Archiving Data Screen

The Archiving Data screen contains options to delete or move data into the history database. Administrators can perform these tasks in Options > Admin > Archiving Data.

The Archiving Data screen lists various tables, and available delete or move options.
Table 1. History Run Table Columns
Column Description
Table Name The name of the database table.
Flag Text The action to be performed on the table upon selecting the row and clicking Process Selected Tables.
  • Delete from live - Old records are deleted
  • Move to history - Data is moved to the history database
Keep Months The number of months back to keep old data based on the Until Date field of the data.
Last Run Date The date when the table was last processed.
Delete Date Defines the delete date when all data older than the defined date is deleted.
Delete Records The number of records deleted in the last run.
Remark Optional column for additional notes.