Configuring Delete-Months

The tables in the Archiving Data screen are based from data in the HistRunTable in Master Data > View Master Codes. This table can also be quickly accessed from the Archiving Data screen by clicking Change Delete-Months.

The Data Table screen contains information that impacts several processes. Only advanced users should make modifications.

  1. Navigate to the Data Table screen and display the HistRunTable. You can do this by doing any of the following.
    • Click Master Data > Others > View Master Codes. In the Data Table screen, select HistRunTable from the Table List.
    • In the Archiving Data screen, click Change Delete-Months. You are navigated to the Data Table screen with the HistRunTable already displayed.
  2. Click or press F2.
  3. Make the modifications to the rows as needed.
  4. Click OK to save the modifications.
Modifications made to the HistRunTable are only effective after a system restart.