Duty Codes

Access to different screens, features, and functionalities are controlled by duty codes.

Each duty code determines access to a specific field, screen, or functionality. A group duty code is a special duty code that combines several duty codes and is created and maintained in Options > Admin > Duty Codes.

A user can have multiple duty codes entered in the Duty Code table of the Operator Code.

Duty codes have the following naming convention.

If the code is prefixed with:
  • an underscore (_) - This duty code relates to one specific screen. Example: _FULL_AWB
  • a period (.) - This duty code is a duty group. Example: .BOOKING
  • an asterisk (*) - This is a duty code specific to a client. Example: *AWB_CHG_SHP_

A duty code that ends with an underscore (_) is a duty code that can only be given to an operator by a user with SUPER_ access rights. Example: HIST_AWB_