Interface Data File Generation Task

The Interface Data File Generation task is a scheduled task used to copy the data to a file on the Cargospot server.

The Interface Data File Generation task converts data relating to Interface name in the database table, interface_data_plsql, which maps to the defined Process name in the corresponding Database Interface task into files using the directory/encoding information set in the Advanced Configuration of the Interface Data File Generation task.

Advanced Configuration

You can define the interface name, output directory, and character encoding of the database interface in the Advanced Configuration tab of the Interface Data File Generation task.

Table 1. Interface Data Configuration Columns
Column Description
Interface name Enter the interface name. This is looked up in the interface_data_plsql table and matched with interface_id field.
Output directory Set the absolute or relative output directory for the output file.
Character encoding Set the character encoding for the output file, this column defaults to UTF-8.