About Forwarder Notifications

Notifications to forwarders are set up in the Notifications table found on the Details tab of the Forwarder screen.

The Notifications Table is found in the lower right portion of the Details tab of the Forwarder screen.
Table 1. Notification Columns
Field Description
  • Acceptance
  • Ad-Hoc
  • Allotment
  • Arrival
  • Booked
  • CCA
  • Departed
  • FAI
  • FSU/DIS Offload
  • Invoice - The Invoice action is used to set up invoice notifications for the Forwarder.
  • Mailing
  • NRTG E-mail
  • NRTG Number
  • NRTG Free Storage Days
  • Release Note
  • Stock
  • .bkd, dep, mil, stk, alt, adh
Value/Fax Depending on the entered Action, enter the desired value or fax.
Email Enter the email where the Forwarder notification needs to be sent.