The FNA Tab

The tab contains the error response settings for FWB messages. The FNA tab can be accessed in Master Data > Carriers screen when configured in the system.

Error response handling for FWB messages can be configured in the FWB sub-tab of the FNA tab. The sub-tab contains the settings to specific elements of the Air Waybill data (FWB) message. In the FWB sub-tab, the message elements are grouped according to Mandatory and Optional Fields.

Each message element of the FFR and FWB can be configured according to the following options:
  • FNA or rejection message. Selecting FNA from the drop-down menu enables the system to send an error or rejection message when handling booking requests and e-Air Waybill errors. This option is available for both mandatory and optional criteria.
  • FMA or acknowledgment message. Selecting FMA from the drop-down menu enables the system to send an acknowledgment message when handling booking requests and e-Air Waybill errors. This option is available for both mandatory and optional criteria.
  • Selecting NO from the drop-down menu disables the system to send auto-response messages. This option is available for optional fields.