About the Carriers Setting Screen: Address Tab

The Address tab of the Carriers setting screen enables the user to set address data. The addresses entered in the Address tab are required for accounting purposes.

Table 1. Address Tab Fields and Action Buttons
Field Description
Carrier This field is automatically populated with the Carrier Code of the selected or current carrier record on the first tab or Carrier tab.
Note: The field is disabled for manual entry. When left blank, any configuration made in this tab is applied to all carriers.
Country Enter the International Standards Organization (ISO) two-letter country code as stored in the system's Countries Code table.
You can look up the available country codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
Airport Enter the station (Airport) code as stored in the system's Airport code table. When adding a record, the system defaults to your current Station.
You can look up available airport codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
Type Select the type of document from the drop-down list.
Name Enter the name of the carrier.
Full Address Enter the full address details in the format it is supposed to appear on the printed output.

To comply with the SIS specification, the address lines need to be correctly entered for interline billing purposes. IATA requires the address to fit in three lines, with the fourth and last line used to enter the city name of the carrier headquarters.

Tel Telephone number. Enter the telephone number of the contact person in the carrier.
TeleFax Telefax number. Enter the telefax number of the contact person in the carrier.
E-Mail Email address. Enter the email address of the contact person in the carrier. Clicking E-Mail opens an empty message screen for sending a new email message.
Account These two fields are for the required account number. Enter the account number of this carrier in a handling Agent's or GSA accounting system. This field is mandatory.
VAT # Enter the appropriate Value Added Tax (VAT) number.
Registration # Use this field to enter relevant registration numbers for the carrier.
Invoice Due Date By default, the invoice due date is 30 days. Use this field to set a different invoice due date.
Bank Swift Code Enter the Bank Swift Code. This number is included in the printed invoice.
Bank Account Enter the Bank Account Number. This number is included in the printed invoice.
Remarks Free text area.