About the Carriers Setting Screen: Message Address Tab

You can set the default message address for the carrier in the Message Address tab. Each message can be sent to one or several SITA or email addresses, or a combination of different addresses. Message address configurations can be selected from the Record List pane. Once set, messages are transmitted automatically without the need to enter the addresses.

Table 1. Message Address Tab Fields and Action Buttons
Field Description
Carrier This field is automatically populated when the carrier is entered in the Carrier Code field of the first tab or the Carrier tab.
Note: The field is disabled for manual entry. If the field is left blank, any configuration made in this screen is applied to all carriers.
Station (optional) The three-letter IATA station code. This is an optional field that can be used to configure different message addresses in different stations.
Office (optional) Use this field to set up different message addresses for different offices within the station.
Message The message type valid for the entered addresses. You can retrieve available message codes from the database by clicking .
Optional Destination (Airport or Country) There are two optional fields that can be used to create different default addresses for certain types of messages depending on the flight destination. The field on the left is for entering the destination airport while the field on the right is for entering destination country.

A message configuration can use either destination country or destination airport but not both.

For the Country field. enter the International Standards Organization (ISO) two-letter country code as stored in the system's Countries Code table.
You can look up the available country codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
Address The message address where the message is sent. This field supports SITA Type-B addresses, email addresses, or fax addresses. To enter multiple addresses, separate entries with a single space.
Flags For the Air AMS US Customs link, there can be an MQ Series interface. In some cases, there is a need to send the messages to both a production and test system. These Queues in the MQ Series server are different for test and production. When a P is specified, it means the message should be put into the production queue.
Remarks Enter any internal remarks.