Configuring Carrier Supported Messages

The application supports multiple message versions. Each IATA Cargo Interchange Message Procedures Manual (CargoImp) message can be set with a specific version number. You need to define the versions of the messages that the particular carriers support so that the system sends the appropriate message version to those carriers.

  1. Navigate to the Carriers screen. Click Master Data > Carriers.
  2. Query the carrier where you want to configure supported messages.
  3. Click Supported Messages.
  4. In the Supported Messages tab, supported messages are listed in the Record List pane. In this tab you can create, modify, or delete supported messages.
    • To modify an existing supported message, select the message from the Record List pane then click Edit F2.
    • To add a new supported message, click Add (Ins).
    • To delete a supported message, select the message from the Record List pane then click Delete (DEL).
  5. Enter or modify the fields accordingly.
    1. The Carrier is automatically populated with the Carrier Code of the selected or current carrier record on the Carrier tab (Tab 1). The Carrier field is disabled for manual entry. When left blank, configurations made in this screen are applied to all carriers.
    2. Select the Message type. You can look up the available message codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list then click Retrieve to enter the code on the field. Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
    3. Enter the supported version number in Version.
    4. Optional: Depending on the message type, you can enter additional Flags. You can also use the available check boxes for additional message actions.
  6. Click OK to save the modified or added supported message.
The supported message version is defined.