Free Text Types

You can create free text lines that affect the information displayed in messages and reports by using different Free Text Types in the Free Text tab of the Station Setting screen. These Types are codes used to identify the related Free Text blocks used in various reports such as invoicing, delivery receipts, and booking confirmation.

Table 1. Free Text Types
Type Description
Invoice Line 1 A detailed line of the invoice item, which may contain information on the cost, quantity, and other invoice item details. Enter the first line of text to be used at the bottom of the invoice.

This line is displayed on the bottom corner at the right side of the report.

Invoice Line 2 A detailed line of the invoice item, which may contain information on the cost, quantity, and other invoice item details. Enter the second line of text to be used for the invoice.

This line is displayed on the bottom corner at the right side of the report.

Invoice Line 3 A detailed line of the invoice item,which may contain information on the cost, quantity, and other invoice item details. Enter the third line of text to be used for the invoice.

This line is displayed on the bottom corner at the right side of the report.

Invoice Line 4 A detailed line of the invoice item, which may contain information on the cost, quantity, and other invoice item details. Enter the fourth line of text to be used for the invoice.

This line is displayed on the bottom corner at the right side of the report.

EU Reverse VAT Text This is the VAT reverse charge system meant to counter fraud on value-added tax on goods and services.

This text can be added to advise information specific to the EU VAT rules.

Outgoing Interline Invoice Line 1 This text type handles the outgoing interline billing invoice, and is displayed as a single detailed line.
Outgoing Interline Invoice Line 2 Enter the free text to be displayed as the second detailed line for the outgoing interline billing invoice.
Interline Invoice Address The location of the facility handling the Interline invoice billing system.

The text is displayed on the uppermost and middle part of the interline invoice.

Company Name The name of the user's company; the Carrier/GHA or GSSA.
Contact Person The person to communicate to or notify.
Document Address The address displayed on every document.
Document Phone etc. The contact number displayed on every document.
Document Bank Acct Info The unique bank account information that is referred to when making a deposit for a due amount.
Interline Bank Acct Info The carrier bank account for Interline. The Carrier bank account text for Interline is displayed on the lower left side corner.
New Booking Message This message is displayed when a user has completed a booking transaction.
New Arrival Message This message is displayed when a user has completed the arrival of an AWB.
Offload E-mail Title Email that provides the particular subject information on offload shipments.
Offload E-mail Header Provides the particular routing information on offload shipments; this may include the sender, recipient, date, and subject.
Offload E-mail Footer Provides the email footer information on offload shipments. This may include confidentiality notices,
General Invoice Footer Additional information on when a General Invoice has been issued.
General Invoice Debit Footer Additional information that is displayed when a General Invoice Debit Note has been issued.
Email Footer Information that is displayed for e-mails that were sent out(for example, booking confirmation).
Arrival Notice Footer Information that is displayed for the Arrival Notice message.
IRP - Notice of Non Delivery Information that is displayed on the notice of non-delivery.
Payment Receipt Footer Information on the Payment receipt when payment has been made for an AWB/Invoice.
Import Office Handling Address Information where the carrier's Import office is located.
Invoice Phone Invoice information which includes the phone number that can be contacted regarding the invoice transaction.
Opening Hours Refers to the opening hours for various offices. Information is sent through email.
Trucking Order Address Address where the trucking order is located.
Tax ID The taxpayer's identification.
Manifest Wording A document containing information on the cargo and crew. Enter the text to be used for the manifest print.
CMR Shipper remark Shipper remark on the International Consignment Note for Road (CMR) waybill type.
Awb Remark-US Station  
Service AWB Text Text used to display the service information for the Air Waybill system.
Security AWB Text Text used to display the security information for the Air Waybill system.
Cash Invoice Footer May provide details on total cost, tax, quantity, sales class, and other relevant information.
Mail Invoice Bank Details May provide details on total cost, payment terms, payment due date, delivery date, and other relevant information.
Mail Invoice Payment In Payment information for the postal mail invoice.