Applying Fax/Email Override for Stations

The Station Email/Fax Override screen, which is accessible from the hyperlink in the Station tab of the Station Setting screen, provides a facility to override the email address settings for a Forwarder based on the station, office, or carrier. Addresses can be configured or removed for particular combinations of Forwarder and notification type.

  1. Navigate to the Station Email/Fax Override screen. Click Master Data > Others > Station Setting.
  2. Query the station where you want to modify the fax/email information.
  3. To edit a station entry, click F2; the Station Email/Fax Override screen becomes available for editing.
  4. To edit or override the existing email and fax information of a station, navigate to the Email/Fax Override section, and edit the following fields:
    Field Description
    Action Select the specific Action to be overridden from the drop-down menu.
    Participant Enter the Participant record of the cargo. You can look up the available Participant codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
    Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
    Carrier Enter the Carrier record of the cargo. You can look up the available carrier codes from the database by clicking , entering search data in one or more of the fields presented, then clicking Search. Select the desired code from the search list, then click Retrieve. The selected code will then populate the field.
    Note: Clicking Search when all presented fields are left blank produces a complete list of all data held.
    Office Enter a valid office code.
    Value/Fax Enter the specific fax number for the station.
    Email Enter the email address of the station.
    Add or Replace Select the appropriate action from the Add or Replace drop-down menu.
  5. Click OK to save the modified or added fax/email details.