Customizing Station Reports and Messages

You can define additional text that appears on your station's reports and messages in the Free Text tab of the Station Setting screen.

  1. Navigate to the Station Setting screen. Click Master Data > Others > Station Setting.
  2. Query the station where you want to add additional text to reports and messages.
  3. Click Free Text.
  4. In the Free Text tab, existing records are listed in the Record List pane. In this tab you can create, modify, or delete office and printer configurations.
    • To modify an existing configuration, select the record from the Record List pane then click Edit F2.
    • To create a new configuration, click Add (Ins).
    • To delete a configuration, select the configuration from the Record List pane then click Delete (DEL).
  5. Enter or modify the free text fields accordingly.
  6. Click OK to save the modified or added free text.
The free text message record is added to the system. If for example, you created a free text message for a New Booking using the New Booking Message type, the entered free text is displayed whenever a new booking is created.